Episode 58: 5 Ways to be Happy When You’re Sad

Put On Your Big Girl Pants
Put On Your Big Girl Pants
Episode 58: 5 Ways to be Happy When You're Sad

Have you been sad and you don’t know where to start to become happy again? Do you want to find ways to become happier? As a caregiver to a spouse with cancer and then a widow Kamille shares what has pulled her through in this fool proof 5 step method – guaranteed to make you happier. 

This is episode 58 of the Kamille Bauer Podcast. The audio podcast is available on Apple, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and other podcast sources.

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Episode 57: Stuck in a Rut? How to Create a Vision for Your Life

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Put On Your Big Girl Pants
Episode 57: Stuck in a Rut? How to Create a Vision for Your Life

Have you been playing defense with life and feel like you aren’t progressing? This week Kamille shares 3 things you can do to create a vision for your life. She shows what her vision board looks like and how to make your own!  Need help? Hop on a discovery call with Kamille where she will help you craft a plan for your next steps to find your happy! You can schedule a call at  www.kamillebauer.com.

This is episode 57 of the Kamille Bauer Podcast. The audio podcast is available on Apple, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and other podcast sources.

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Blog Post: Stuck in a Rut? How to Create a Vision for Your Life

Life comes at you fast. It’s easy to feel like you’re always on the defense. Like you just keep on, keeping on without any end game in sight. That’s why it’s so important to create a vision for your life.

But, how do you do this? I broke it down into three easy steps you can take today to begin creating your vision and giving your life purpose again!

1: Come Up With A Blueprint

What inspires you? What’s your plan? Create something that you love to remind you of your vision and your goals.

What does this look like? Make it unique to you! You are the master designer of your life, and your thoughts are psychic. Think about what you want to do, where you want to go and what you want to do with your life, and create something special to you.

For me, my blueprint is a vision board. I stick it in my room and I look at it every day as a reminder to myself.

So, whether it’s a vision board like mine, or just writing on a piece of paper, have your blueprint somewhere you can see.

2: Start Before You’re Ready

This is huge.

“We waste our time waiting for a path to appear, but it never does because we forget the paths that are made by walking and not waiting. And we forget there’s absolutely nothing about our present circumstance that prevents us from making progress again, one tiny step at a time.” – Mark and Angel  

I love this quote. If we just sit and wait on the front lines thinking “one day I’ll have the time to do what I need to do” or “it’s not time for me right now, I can’t have a vision”, you’re not taking those baby steps. You have to start before you’re ready to start!

3: Take Those Baby Steps

Each step counts. They count if you are on you are metaphorically on your belly, on your knees, crawling, inching forward. Congratulations! If you are even one percent better, that’s all you need to be. That’s all you need to do. Just take baby steps each & every day.

I was listening to Barney Brown’s podcast with Patrice Gordon, and it was amazing. Patrice Gordon said, “What is meant for me is not going to miss me.” That struck me so deep. We worry and we have anxiety, but if we’re trying every day to take those baby steps, you can take comfort knowing that what is meant for you, is not going to miss you if you are trying each day.

“What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.” – Buddah

The grand creator of the universe is here. He knows your heart and He knows you’re trying. If you keep the faith in your belief, in whatever that looks like to you, you’ll attract what you want. So, imagine something, create something, design what you want for your life, get your blueprint out and take those baby steps to follow it.

And are you scared? Is it hard? I am, too. But even when the going gets tough, I wake up the next day and I try again. Why? Because I have a vision, and I have a plan. I know that I meant to do that. And it’s my purpose. So what is yours? That’s what you need to do – you need to find that out. In Isaiah 41:10, God says, “Fear thou not for I am with the bee, not just be not dismayed for I am. Thank God I will strengthen me. I will help the I will uphold the with the right hand of my righteousness.”

If you are thinking your baby steps aren’t enough, if you are feeling like you’re on the defense, remember these 3 things this week. Create a vision for your life and take those baby steps towards it. And remember, baby steps count!

If you need help coming up with a vision of your own, or a little more TLC, you can check out my website, kamillebauer.com, or hop on a discovery call with me. It’s one of the joys and passions in my life to help others learn and grow and have hope when life is hard. I’m here for you. I love you, and I hope you have a great week and create a vision for your life because you deserve it!

Episode 56: Surrendering to Grief is Essential

Put On Your Big Girl Pants
Put On Your Big Girl Pants
Episode 56: Surrendering to Grief is Essential

Why is it essential to surrender to your feelings of grief and loss? Do you try and pretend everything’s okay and ignore the sadness, despair, and heartache? Listen up as Kamille shares how damaging that can be to you and your future. 

 Kamille shares how to deal with the anger that grief brings and how to move forward through the pain. This week you can get a free ‘Why is Surrendering Essential to the Grief Process’ packet downloadable on her website www.kamillebauer.com

This is episode 56 of the Kamille Bauer Podcast. The audio podcast is available on Apple, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and other podcast sources.

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Episode 55: 4 Things to Remember When You Don’t Feel Like Exercising

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Put On Your Big Girl Pants
Episode 55: 4 Things to Remember When You Don't Feel Like Exercising

Do you find it hard to want to workout? Need some ideas on how to follow through with putting yourself and your health on your list? From hating to run and then running over 12 half marathons and 2 full marathons Kamille shares 4 things to keep in mind that will always help you workout when you don’t want to. 

This is episode 55 of the Kamille Bauer Podcast. The audio podcast is available on Apple, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and other podcast sources.

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Blog Post: 4 Things to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Exercising

I don’t know about you, but exercising and I have a sordid relationship.

This week, I’m going to talk about what you can do when you don’t want to work out — 4 things that can help you get your butt into gear and get it done!

I have older siblings – same mom, same dad. My sister was back in her pre-pregnancy jeans two weeks after she had a baby. So, after my first, I was like, “Oh yeah, I’m totally going to be like her!”

News flash: I wasn’t.

Much to my disappointment, I found myself a year later still overweight and unable to lose it. I realized that for me, my metabolism, and how I roll in my life… I have to work out to physically be in the shape that I want to be in.

Then, as the the years have progressed and as I fought alongside my late husband and his cancer diagnosis and battle, I found that working out was not only instrumental for me physically, but it became instrumental for my mental health, too.

Over the years, I have really learned that I need to keep exercise in my life in order to maintain balance.

“How do you work out when you don’t want to?” Being on YouTube, having my podcast, being out in social media, and motivational speaking, this is a question I get asked a lot. The truth is, it’s HARD. Especially if you’re a working parent with a ton of other obligations and things on your plate. It’s hard to put yourself first and find that time, but it’s essential.

Here are 4 things you can do when you really don’t feel like exercising but know you should!

Grab a Friend

If you don’t want to exercise, grab a friend. Make an appointment with them and show up. If you commit to somebody, you’re more likely to actually follow through. I can’t even tell you the countless amount of workouts that I would not have done had I not committed to a friend previously.

At first, I couldn’t be accountable to just myself. As the years have gone by, I appreciate, honor, and value my time and commitment to myself as sacred and special, but that took a while to get there. If I was just on my list before, there’s no way that I would be like, “Yeah, my appointment with myself is cancelled because I don’t want to do that.”

It took a lot of consistency in years and visualization to get to where I am and hold myself accountable. So, if you’re in the same place now and it’s hard for you to do that, grab a friend.

Put on Your Workout Clothes

Just do it. Even if you have errands to run and you think you’re too bust, chances are, if you put on your workout clothes, you WILL work out. I don’t know what it is, but even to this day, this is the hardest step for me.

Don’t Take it for Granted

I was naive. I took everything for granted before by husband’s cancer diagnosis, and it rocked our worlds. It completely changed my perception and my view of the gift that it is to be able to exercise.

If you have hands that can tie your laces to your workout shoes, if you have feet to put your shoes on, if you have air that you can freely breathe without an oxygen tank… you are so blessed!

When I don’t want to work out, I try to remember those who can’t. If you followed my journey at all, I hated to run. Unless I was being chased or there was an amazing sale, I would not have run. But, when my husband got sick, I started to run with some great friends and people who was accountable to. Since then, I have run over a dozen half marathons and two full marathons. There is no way I would have ever done that had I not had my husband sitting on the couch pre-surgery, post-surgery, attached to an oxygen machine, just wishing and thinking, “here is this gorgeous, hunky, young husband of mine in his thirties that can’t work out.”

That’s when it all changed for me. I went from begrudgingly saying, “Ugh, I have to put my workout clothes on and work out” to “wow, I am lucky to be able to do that!”

Shift your mindset from, “I have to work out” to “I get to work out.” This thought motivates me to show up for myself more days than I can count. Try it out. If you can workout, you are lucky.

Visualize Your Why

Why do you want to work out? At first for me, it was how I looked. After I was a young mom and cancer came along, I got in a deep and dark depressed state. That’s when working out became important not only for my physical well-being, but for my mental well-being. It helped me get out of some deep, dark, and depressive states.

Why do you want to work out? Do you want to look a certain way? Do you want to feel a certain way? Do you want to just be healthy? Think of your why and visualize how you want to feel. Visualize the side effects of working out. Have you ever in the history of your life worked out and then thought, “I wish I wouldn’t have done that”? Probably not.

In January, I did a series on your why and your purpose. You can go back and revisit some of those videos if you like. You need to get a purpose. You need to get a reason and a why in order to show up for yourself. If you’re struggling with this, go back and revisit those previous episodes.

I hope these 4 things help you get your butt going, moving, and working out. If you’re struggling, remember: grab a friend, put on your workout clothes, remember those who can’t work out, and visualize your why.

My kids are what keep me going. They have one parent, and I want them to have a parent that’s healthy and that is a good example of how to take care of yourself.

It is also important to know that God cares how you feel. If it’s important to you, it’s important to God. God wants us to take care of our bodies. Whatever your higher power is, that energy that breeds life into you. In Psalms 18, it says, “I will love thee oh Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my strength in whom I trust,” so lean on God. I know it sounds like it’s a disconnect like, “Oh well, spiritual is here and physical is here,” but in my life I can completely testify and tell you that those two can merge.

Turning my heart to God has been a catalyst for me to get out of depression and darkness. I got the answer that I needed to start moving my body back when my husband was sick and I was struggling with depression. God cares. God is there. I can’t tell you how many countless times I didn’t have the strength to do it, but I prayed to be able to show up for myself and show up for those people I was accountable to, and God gave me the strength to do so.

I promise, after you work out, you feel so much better. So, I’m challenging you! If you don’t want to work out, remember these 4 tips and you will be able to show up for yourself.

I love you, and if you need help being accountable, I am here for you. You can check out my website, kamillebauer.com , for information on my mentoring program. Sometimes you just need someone to help you work through what you want to do with your life. One of my greatest joys in my life is to be able to help people invite light back into their lives and be able to put themselves on the list and have a more balanced, happy, and healthy life.

Episode 54: 4 Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms

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Put On Your Big Girl Pants
Episode 54: 4 Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms

Are you running on empty and you have to idea how to put yourself on your list? What you water will grow. Get 4 tips that will help you change the way you view self care and create the thought shift you need to actually make it happen! 

This is episode 54 of the Kamille Bauer Podcast. The audio podcast is available on Apple, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and other podcast sources.

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Blog Post: 4 Self Care Tips for Busy Moms

Do you find it hard to put yourself on the list? At the end of your day, do you think that there is no possible way you could do something for yourself?

Today we are chatting about 4 things that will help you put self care at the top of your list, no matter how busy you are.

Visualize the Consequences

So often we think, “I need to put myself on the list, but I just don’t know how” or “I don’t have time for that!”

But how much is it costing you to NOT put yourself first?

If you continue on the same trajectory, how are you going to feel in a week or two week or a month?

Most likely, you’ll feel out of gas, not taking care of yourself, and eating your feelings.

But it shouldn’t always be about the bad things we experience. You also need to consider the good things that will happen if you do start taking care of yourself.

Visualize what it’s going to look like and feel like when you carved some time out for yourself that day. What would you experience if you carved out some time to fill your cup? How would you feel in a week if you consistently did that? What would your boundaries and relationships be like?

Think about what it would be like 5 years down the road when you have been putting yourself first. You will feel great. You will look great. You will have better relationships.

That for me is powerful!

Prioritize You

When your son has soccer practice, it’s on the calendar and it’s a non-negotiable, right? You schedule your dinner and family time around it.

Well what if you put that same commitment toward your self care. Consider it a non-negotiable. It’s not something that just gets erased from your calendar because you are too busy.

Prioritize you. Schedule it in pen, and stick to it!

Self care looks different to every person. It could be working out or gardening or reading a book in the tub. There is no right or wrong way to do self care.

Change Your Thoughts

Changing your thoughts is the catalyst to the magic for everything!

If you are constantly thing, “Ugh. . . working out” or “I hate to eat healthy” or even “I don’t have time for self care!” . . . Well, you are right!

Whether you think you can or you can’t, the answer is in your mind. You are the architect of your future, your thoughts will determine your actions, and your actions determine your habits.

So practice flipping your thoughts to “I get to” or “I’m blessed to” or “I’m lucky to.” When you change that perspective, it changes everything.


Whenever I’m in the depths of despair, misery, and depression, I pray. I pray to God and let Him know that I don’t want to feel the way I’m feeling. When you do that, I promise you, He will answer. It may not be in the time or way you wanted, but He will answer you.

And when you get the answer, confide in a friend or loved one, so they can cheer you on! When you have someone to join you in your crusade of self-care, you’ll notice a difference.

If you are thinking that there is no way you can fit in self care, then pray. God will give you ideas and inspiration. He cares about you. He wants you to be happy and fulfilled. He wants you to have those good consequences.

No matter your circumstances, life get’s overwhelming, but self care will help you move through those moments. And God will be there to support you, too. And if you need more support, then I’m here as well! Let’s hop on a call and talk through how I can help.

And remember – you get to put yourself on the list this week. Do 1 thing for you and then do it again the next day. That consistency is what will create magic.

Visualize the Consequences

Episode 53: How to Move Past Disappointment

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Put On Your Big Girl Pants
Episode 53: How to Move Past Disappointment

Are you stuck in disappointment and don’t know what steps to take to get out? Kamille shares about her own bad days and the 4 things you can do right now to make lasting change. You can see information about her free program or schedule a free discovery call with her on her website www.kamillebauer.com

This is episode 53 of the Kamille Bauer Podcast. The audio podcast is available on Apple, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and other podcast sources.

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Blog Post: How to Move Past Disappointment

Are you disappointed? Are you bummed out? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? 

I feel you on that one. 

Having been a caregiver to a spouse with cancer, a widow, divorce, single mom, I have known my share of disappointments. And one of the passions in my life is helping my clients move past the disappointment and be able to find happiness and joy in their lives right now.

You may be thinking, “Life is hard. I want to be happier.” But how do you do that? Today I’m sharing four things to help you push through disappointment.

I’ll be honest … sometimes it’s hard to flip the switch and sometimes I get sick and tired of being sick and tired too. Sometimes you need to cry. Sometimes you need to let it out. Sometimes you need to be disappointed and be in a funk for a day or two.

But here is the key. 

If that day or two continues into a week or a month or longer, then you know you need to do something about it. Because you deserve to be happy. You deserve to have peace and joy. 

Here are 4 simple ways to flip the switch from disappointment to happiness.

1. Talk to your trusted friends

Who are your safe and trusted friends?  You know, the ones that listen to you through the tears? When you have those moments where you are stuck, call them!  Connect with them.

Or maybe you have a mentor that you work with or someone that can talk you through the hard moments. 

Rely on those people in your life that are there for you no matter what.

2. Give yourself grace

Chances are you’re disappointed or upset because someone has hurt your feelings or you are being too hard on yourself.  I often struggle with the latter. 

But when I give myself grace in those hard moments, that is when I find the peace and happiness that I’m seeking.  

If you have people in your life that genuinely care for you, but they’ve hurt you (not intentionally!), then give them grace too.  Remembering grace in your relationships is important too. It’s not a contest of who does the most for somebody. It’s about the relationship and helping your friends when times are tough. 

Think about how you like to be treated.  Are you giving that same respect to those you love? It is scientifically proven that how you treat others affects your health.  Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. 

You will feel better. Your health will be better. Your spirit will be better.

3. Focus on gratitude

When I’m feeling down, it’s hard to think about the good things in life.  It’s easier to think, “My life sucks right now.”  If I had a grain of sand for everytime I wished cancer would go away, I could fill an ocean.  But it didn’t happen, and I still found peace and happiness….eventually. 

When I realized that I was wasting so much time pining for something that wasn’t going to happen and focusing on the bad, things changed. That’s what flipped the switch for me.  

If you are struggling and can only focus on the problem, then something needs to change. 

Focus on gratitude.  Change what you are focusing on.  What you focus on expands.  Shift to what’s going right in your life.

4. Believe in something bigger

One of my favorite quotes is by Denis Waitley.  He says, “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.” 

When you believe in something bigger than yourself, it will help you pull through.  So whatever or whomever you choose as your higher power, recognize that they are there for you.  I believe that Jesus is my higher power and in the bible it says in John chapter 10, “I am the good shepherd. And I know my sheep.  I laid down my life for my sheep.”  When we have the realization that He is there for us, that He literally died for us, that is love!

Final Thoughts

If you are having a hard time getting past your disappointments, flip the switch!  Use these four tips to climb out of the funk.  

And if you need more support with that, I’m here for you!  Let’s jump on a call and talk through how I can help you through this trial.